Julia Carreon

29th Birthday Wish

Julia Carreon

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Anonymous — $50.00
Julia Carreon — $80.00
Thank you soooo much to everyone who took part of this fundraiser. Together we have changed the lives of 8 people forever!!
Olga Gonzalez-Cabotage — $30.00
Happy 29th Birthday! And God bless all those in need of water.
Lilia Carreon — $50.00
Hope many more people would be as kind and generous as you. Love you my dear daughter and God bless :)
Denisse Carreon — $20.00
Happy Birthday dear sister. I know this donation means a lot to you, and you know what? It made me feel great doing it! God bless! Xoxo
John Hoyt — $20.00
Julia - Happy B-Day! thx for teaching me how to be a better person ; ) *Still gonna buy jet/penthouse when I win lottery thou! Johnny