Doody Loo Hoo

The Toilet Project

Doody Loo Hoo

We are a middle school in California devoted to raise $5,000 so the children in Africa can have fresh water. These kids in Africa will dig a hole to use the restroom and then it will rain and go into the rivers were they will bathe, shower, go to restroom, and use as drinking water. I child dies every minute because they don't have a toilet. We are the Sequoia Indians and we want to raise money for these kids and people. They are our own kind! Please donate and help.

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Here are some tips and tools to help you transform more lives with safe water.

Send an email

Send an email inviting everyone you know to give water. Remember to share your story and why you are passionate about raising funds to change lives with safe water.

Get social!

Post one of these graphics on Facebook or Twitter. Tag so we can see what you’re up to and cheer you on.


Print and post one of these signs telling everyone at school, the office, or even the grocery store how they can help give water.