Alexandra Griffin

Water 2016

Alexandra Griffin

With the 2016 campaign American presidential campaign well under way, I'm glad to be hearing about important issues like climate change, equal pay for equal work, and immigration reform. However, I can't help but juxtapose American presidential issues against the global water shortage. I decided to start raising money for, because safe water is necessary for life, and there are 660 million people around the world without it. Access to safe water can change a person’s world, and allow them to define their own future. has been helping people develop sustainable solutions for more than 20 years. Together, we can change lives with safe water.

5 supporters
Anonymous — $200.00
Elsbeth Howe — $50.00
I'm happy to support this cause!
Andrew Griffin — $100.00
Trevor Ronholm — $50.00
I only drink Voss water....but I like it clean.

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Here are some tips and tools to help you transform more lives with safe water.

Send an email

Send an email inviting everyone you know to give water. Remember to share your story and why you are passionate about raising funds to change lives with safe water.

Get social!

Post one of these graphics on Facebook or Twitter. Tag so we can see what you’re up to and cheer you on.


Print and post one of these signs telling everyone at school, the office, or even the grocery store how they can help give water.