I will be traveling to Machu Picchu for many people! An amazing group of kind folks have donated to water.org on my behalf.
With their help I met my $1000 goal for water.org ON THE FIRST DAY of fundraising. Thank you for your donations. I am honored to have your support.
I set a new goal to raise an additional $1000 and we reached that goal too!
Now, I hope we can keep going and help another 40 people have access to safe water and sanitation!
I know many of you support a number of great organizations and causes but if you can give just a Starbucks’ coffee worth of money to water.org on my behalf we will be able to help another 40 people!
World Water Day is March 22!
As part of my participation in the Omluxe retreat, I have made a commitment to raise $1000 for water.org. Co-founders Matt Damon and Gary White of water.org are working to help the over 780 MILLION people without access to safe water and sanitation.
Please help me help others! Imagine your life without a toilet and the ability to turn on the tap and get clean water. This takes a terrible toll on thousands of men, women and children. Every 21 SECONDS a child dies from a water-related illness. More people own a mobile phone than a toilet! Women spend 200 million, yes MILLION, hours a day collecting water for their families. Imagine the economic impact if that time were freed.
Help me give the gift of water and dignity to 40 people. With your help, my retreat group’s fund raising efforts can change the lives of over 800 people.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope you choose to join me and contribute what you can.
Remember,World Water Day is March 22!
Send an email inviting everyone you know to give water. Remember to share your story and why you are passionate about raising funds to change lives with safe water.
Post one of these graphics on Facebook or Twitter. Tag Water.org so we can see what you’re up to and cheer you on.
Not ready to donate? You can still make a big impact by sharing one of these.