Todd Falker

225MI Shore-To-Shore Michigan Run

Todd Falker

For his 100th marathon, Todd Falker wanted to do something special to give back to others by fund-raising for fresh water. From Todd: growing up in Michigan, I was surrounded by water, but many parts of world cannot take fresh water for granted. To raise awareness, I’m running 225 mile from shore-to-shore non-stop, & asking you to join the cause by donating to that will go to other parts of the world, and also to support this cause by limiting your showers to 5 minutes a day, for one week.

Every $25 donated will help provide one family in need with life-changing access to safe water or sanitation, and Karlene and I are making limited edition T-shirts which will go to the top 25 donators. The total amount donated will go to supporting access to safe water and sanitation.

Thanks for donating to a good cause! Together let’s make a change in the world and in our own lives and communities. More info about my run can be found IG@toddfalker.

FROM WATER.ORG: is an international nonprofit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world through access to safe water and sanitation. 2.2 billion people — about 1 in 4 — lack access to safe water; 3.5 billion — about 2 in 5 — lack access to a safe toilet. Founded by Gary White and Matt Damon, pioneers market-driven financial solutions to ensure everyone has access to safe water and sanitation – giving women hope, children health and families a bright future.

38 supporters
Anonymous — $25.00
Kudos to Todd Falker and his family for an amazing accomplishment.
Sharon Whitford — $100.00
Matt Sparkman — $50.00
Absolutely GREAT stuff Todd. O loved following your journey on this :)
Sharon Gracik — $50.00

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Here are some tips and tools to help you transform more lives with safe water.

Send an email

Send an email inviting everyone you know to give water. Remember to share your story and why you are passionate about raising funds to change lives with safe water.

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Post one of these graphics on Facebook or Twitter. Tag so we can see what you’re up to and cheer you on.


Print and post one of these signs telling everyone at school, the office, or even the grocery store how they can help give water.