This Month Lets Save a Child's Life and Dignity Together.
To my family, friends and colleagues,
As you know, I do not like to drink water at all!!! I hear it everyday how that is so unhealthy. I do however see how all of you are so conscious about drinking a minimum of eight glasses of water per day and make sure your children do the same. So its kind of ironic that I, the queen of no water for me thank you, would be given this opportunity (through to consider water and save a child's life and dignity as a result. The subject of "water" for us relates to all the health factors. I personally have never considered the use of the toilet when I think of "water." To me, this is a simple, obvious fact that is a "given." So, I never really gave it a thought, UNTIL NOW.
The simple truth is that 4000 children die daily all over the world due to lack of clean water. Sadly, this is not even related to just drinking water. These women, men and children do not even have access to a toilet. The woman have to wait until nightfall to relieve themselves!!! This issue sums up to one word, "dignity."
As a mother, and a woman that pays zero attention to water, I am moved to PAY ATTENTION and DO and HELP save a child, a woman, a man, a family and give the gift of clean WATER and DIGNITY.
Thank you for your time and consideration to this cause. I hope you choose to join me and contribute what you can to reach this goal.
If you like to read more about, the non-profit founded 20 years ago by Gary White and merged with Matt Damon's non-profit, please visit their website.
Send an email inviting everyone you know to give water. Remember to share your story and why you are passionate about raising funds to change lives with safe water.
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