Dorothy Gevers

$2 Kid's Photo Contest for

Dorothy Gevers
   Can you imagine giving your child THIS to drink?
           No child should be drinking this water!

Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related disease!! Help bring filter systems and clean water to those who need it.

$2 for 1 photo, $5 for 3, $8 for 10 photo entries For a priceless chance to win Toys 'r' Us Gift cards & an AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO of MATT DAMON + $25 !!! Deadline March. 15

More prize donations are welcomed! Prizes for most photogenic Boy, Girl, Baby, and Personality!

Money is tight, I know, but every $2 adds up! All entry fees go from the contest paypal account to or you can pay them directly, and email me your receipt for photo entries! [email protected]

Every $25 raised can get someone safe water for life!

Facebook Public Event Site: Dorothy Gevers

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Here are some tips and tools to help you transform more lives with safe water.

Send an email

Send an email inviting everyone you know to give water. Remember to share your story and why you are passionate about raising funds to change lives with safe water.

Get social!

Post one of these graphics on Facebook or Twitter. Tag so we can see what you’re up to and cheer you on.


Print and post one of these signs telling everyone at school, the office, or even the grocery store how they can help give water.